Palestra – 29|05|15



Palestra com Dr. Ted Krueger

O programa de pós-graduação em Tecnologias da Inteligência e Design Digital convida a todos para uma palestra com um grande especialista em Inovação e Criatividade Digital, que versará sobre o redesenho do humano.

29/05/2015 às 16h00
Na PUC-SP, Campus Perdizes
Auditório Prof. Dr. Ricardo Hasson Sayeg (Sala 100)


The lecture will focus on theoretical approaches and lab practices related to extended mind, prosthetics, augmentation, sensory substitution and the rest – attempting to characterize humans not with an inherent Human Nature but as the product of design activity and define the goal of design activity as the production of the thing that we call the human.


Ted Krueger holds a PhD in Architecture (by design) from RMIT, and a professional Master of Architecture degree from Columbia University following graduate work in architectural history at the University of Chicago and an eclectic undergraduate education in the social sciences and the arts at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

Following his professional education, Krueger spent twelve years in architectural practice gaining substantial experience with laboratories and technical buildings, high-end retail and residential projects in New York City, and large-scale mixed-use developments in Southeast Asia. As a academic, he has served as Associate Dean of the School of Architecture, Director of its PhD program in the Architectural Sciences and Directed its Graduate and Professional Programs. He, together with his students, has undertaken design projects with the Habitability and Human Factors Group at NASA-Johnson Space Center. His principal interest is in fostering transdisciplinary participation in research projects addressing challenges to living systems.

Krueger’s design work has resulted in numerous publications, exhibitions, and lectures on an international basis for the last twenty years. In addition, his design work has led to two New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowships, a New York State Council for the Arts Project grant, a residency at ArtPark in Lewiston, NY, and his selection as one of the “Emerging Voices’ by the Architectural League of New York. He is a member of the editorial board for the British media research journal ‘Digital Creativity.’


APOIO: Sociotramas e TransObjetO

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